Valuable Print Photos: 5 Easy Ways to Preserve Them

print_photo organizer_new York

Let’s talk about how to preserve your valuable print photos. Storage is key.

And it’s not just about storage. Additionally the environmental conditions are also critical when preserving your valuable print photos. Furthermore, factors like humidity, UV light exposure, and even airflow can affect the condition of your precious memories.

Have you ever come across a bundle of photos stuck together like long-lost friends? Or found your old photos have faded? Maybe you’ve encountered some unexpected guests – like silverfish – scattered in vintage albums. Indeed, we’ve encountered all this in client collections. It’s a bummer! However, we’re here to help make sure that your valuable items are stabilized and safe to handle, no matter what the future holds. Let’s talk about preserving your photos, and the steps you can take.

Keep Them in the Dark:

Always display duplicate copies of your photos. Store the originals in a dark, protective environment. Shielding them from direct light is paramount to their preservation. Additionally, light from both natural and artificial sources causes fading and damage to original photos.

Darker areas of the home (such as hallways) are best for displaying original prints. In addition, UV-protective window treatments and glass help minimize this issue. Print storage should only be high-quality, PAT-approved archival enclosures.

Separate Negatives:

When storing your photographs, remember to keep the negatives separate from the prints. Moreover, negatives can off-gas and harm photos. Furthermore, keeping them separate also serves as an analog back-up. These boxes are a great option.

Organize with Care:

Store like-sized photos together where possible. Smaller, loose prints (up to 5 x 7″) can be stored horizontally. This helps to prevent bending or warping, maintaining their integrity.

Choose Your Storage Space Wisely:

Opt for an interior closet away from exterior walls. This is an ideal storage spot. Ensure this space remains free from light exposure. It needs to maintain a stable environment with minimal temperature fluctuations (aim for below 75°F).  Additionally, aim for low humidity levels (between 15-65% relative humidity).

Label with Precision:

When labeling your photos, always use a soft lead (#6B) pencil. Include essential details like who, what, where, and when. This preserves the story behind each image. If you have access to duplicate photos, use these to write on. And write in the margins on the backs where possible.

By following these simple yet effective guidelines, you’re not just preserving your valuable print photos and your memories–you’re safeguarding a piece of history for the future.

At Past Present Pix, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your preservation journey. Contact us for a free 30 minute consult today!