Category: Manage Your Photos

Get Back To Your Photos

Get Back to Your Photos in 3 Easy Ways

Have you seen Peter Jackson’s masterful documentary “The Beatles: Get Back”? The most remarkable aspect of the film was that Jackson used footage hidden for

syncing, backup saving your photos

Saving Your Photos; Syncing vs Backups 

Let’s talk about saving your photos; syncing vs backups. When I ask my friends, family, and clients if they sync and/or back up their photos,

Legacy photo albums

Creating Your Legacy Photo Collection

A legacy photo collection is a little different from the photos you have of family vacations, weddings, birthdays, and everyday life. But before getting into

Header Image of Computer Screen and Camera, Digital Photo Organizing

5 Tips for Organizing Digital Photos

If you are like most people, you have digital photos. A lot of them. And you want them organized. What if you aren’t sold on