How To Make a Vacation Video You’ll Actually Watch

Photo organizing vacation video

A vacation video is a great way to memorialize a trip. While away, most of us take a ton of both videos and photos, often with the intention of creating a vacation video. What better way to relive those fun times after the vacation is a distant memory!

The sheer volume of images and videos can become overwhelming. Most of us don’t edit as we go. Nor do we do it when we return home. For example, there is no good reason to keep 20 photos of the same sunset. The same applies to videos. They get buried in the camera roll with the photos. And rarely viewed again.

A simple solution exists. After editing and organizing, you can create a vacation video of your trip. This uses your best stills and videos. You can also use the images to create photo books.

Using iMovie or any nonlinear editing system will speed up the creation process. There are dozens of apps that can help you achieve a good final product. It’s a great way to incorporate both stills and live photos (link) too. You will have a vacation video (or several) that is easy to share with family and friends.

Here are our recommended steps:

1. Keep it focused:

Random video clips of you, your traveling companions or your family doing nothing, in particular, is not a “shot”.  A better idea is to capture the action. Show people getting into the kayak, strapping on the skis, etc. Stop shooting when the action stops.  Stay focused on the actual event.

2.  People vs scenery:

You are taking video to remember. The scenery around you won’t change much. For example, the Statue of Liberty will look the same in a decade. But the people in your video won’t. That’s important. While a gorgeous landscape or cityscape can be compelling on its own, use it as a backdrop for your subjects.

 3.  Look for the story:

Rather than filming the family waiting in line, think about the story around it. Creating a storyboard beforehand can help you plan out your video. You can include short clips of everyone packing. Or talking about how excited they are to visit Europe.  A few shots of landmarks can provide context. You can film the family enjoying their first meal together abroad and talking about what they love. Consider what makes this trip special and document the fun.

 4.  Include Audio:

The great thing about video is the inclusion of sound. A beach vacation resonates with the sound of waves and seagulls. New York City sounds are different from Paris or Tokyo. Considering including short interviews with your family or traveling companions. Record their thoughts and observations of their surroundings.

 5.  Keep it short:

Do you have a regular family home movie night? If not, it’s unlikely anyone will want to watch a 20-30 minute video of your vacation. Be selective when shooting and keep your clips short – under a minute is good. Overshooting is not helpful in this sense. Keep your clips short. This means you’ll have less to sift through later, making the editing and compiling process much more fun.

If all this sounds great, but just too much work for you, contact us. Our professional highlight reels will help you enjoy your vacation long after it is over.